I have been thinking about this new year and all the exciting possibilities and also thinking about the past year and I realized that a lot happened this last year. Then I started going through our picture files and I realized that A LOT really happened last year so I thought I would share a bit of the past year that perhaps didn't make it on the blog (I did just start the blog in May).

Attended the open house and dedication of the Rexburg Temple

I could not bear to not be there.
(Also gained three nephews this year, as well.)
Gracie donated to Locks of Love- has it only been 9 months!?!
I got another trip to Arizona!
Got to enjoy these beauties in my backyard this spring. They just popped up!
A heaven sent gift I believe, for enduring the winter that we had.
Added a new family member.
the aunt with whom he shares a birthday.
Ended the year on the perfect note- with some homemade tamale goodness.
May your 2009 be filled with many wonderful memories!
2008 has been a great year for you guys, babies are the very best! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2009 will be just as good or better! Love and miss you! Hey,why dont you guys come home for the enchilada dinner. It will be Jan.11, I think thats a great idea, I know everyone would agree!!!
WOW! The memories to mark 2008? Seriously I am amazed. I don't think you know how much it meant to me that you came for the birth of Scarlet. Honestly, I am teary eyed just thinking about it. It is probably THE BEST surprise anyone has given me. The picture with all my sisters around me in the hospital is a picture I will cherish forever. I felt like such a woman surrounded by my sisters in all my glory. It was my Red Tent moment. I cherish that. It was a great year for our family. You are such a great mom. I look up to you so much. Let's make 2009 just as great as 2008. Love you and miss you all.
Man 2008 was an eventful year! I am glad you have all those wonderful pictures to preserve the memories. It is cool that you got to go to Arizona 3 times this year, if I could count on knowing I could go a few times a year I think I could bare living away from family a little bit better. But all the time I am very grateful to live right under you, it's the best! I can't believe our family added 4 grandkids, it is growing like crazy. I am counting on 2009 being a great year!
I always love your pictures to your posts. Especially the story telling ones like these. :) You sure had a busy year! The best of which was little Colbie. I don't think I will ever get over how freakin adorable he is!! :) Hopefully 2009 will be as wonderful and eventful as 2008 for you!
sorry I spelled Colby wrong. My 1 yr old Aunt is also named Colbie and she spells it that way. :)
2008 was a banner year. I am so glad you got to come down three times and Dad and I got to go for a really great visit when you blessed Colby. Tell Miche we added not 4 but 5 grandkids. I was very thankful to be home for all of the events. Really miss you and love you...
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