Thursday, October 30, 2008


Oh Tara, thanks alot.

Here's my 2-7 things you may not know about me:

1. I hate to wash pots and pans, I mean really, really hate it. Sometimes they will sit on my counters for days (gasp, I know) until I work up the gumption to wash them (well, the ones that can't go in the dishwasher anyway).

2. And on that note, I am deeply in love with my dishwasher. When we moved here we had to get all new appliances and I picked out a Bosch. We had had a couple of dishwashers in our house in AZ and they were both crappy, you basically had to wash the dishes before you washed the dishes and they left spots so I wanted to get a good one. And I love it, beautiful, shiny, clean dishes- minimal effort. This summer my kids were horsing around in the kitchen while the dishwasher was being unloaded and somebody landed on the door and it wouldn't shut after that. I cried. Alot. And they lost their allowance for a few months. And then we got it fixed. Hallelujah! Second best day of my life.

3. I am a neurotic typo finder. It's bordering on obsessive. I find them in books, newspapers, magazines, catalogues. I'm always telling Kris "don't they pay people to find this stuff?" I am literally amazed at some of the big publications that I can find them in. I guess I shouldn't be such a perfectionist.

4. I have a need for speed. I have a goal one day to drive a race car, a real one. I sometimes miss AZ for the crazy fast freeways, I've had a few speeding tickets. I love roller coasters, really fast ones and to go four-wheelin'. I guess this is why I love road biking, smooth and fast, wind whipping in my face.

5. My favorite chore on earth is laundry. I used to get mad at Kris when he would do the laundry. I'd be like- man, if you are going to help me with chores can you please clean the bathroom? Do something I don't like. I've sort of learned not to complain when he's helping out but I'm still a little possessive about the laundry.

Now I tag Emilie, Kara and April


Michelle said...

I am pretty impressed with myself because I knew all of these things about you. It is still fun to hear anyway. Ok so you and I both know that I don't have a tude in nerts anymore, I have been trying really hard. What the main issue is, when it comes to games, is that I have a hard time losing-which I have gotten so much better at. Just felt the need to defend my efforts-Love you.

Tara said...

Oh come on, you are the most interesting person I know. Editting errors kill me, too. Althoug, I an surely youd be beter at findin then them me. Did that just about kill you to read? Well, it just about killed me to write it. Anyways, thanks for following through on being tagged!

Lindsay Jones said...

How could you ever like laundry?!! I hate it!! You would probably roll over and die if you looked in my laundry room!! I agree this is fun to learn about each other!

Grannie Wright said...

Oh my gosh! This totally caught me off guard. I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants. It caugh me so oph gard to red Tara"s coment. It had yur dad laffin two. Miracle!! Love you!

Grannie Wright said...
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sasmithfam said...

I am not good at the tag things. I am too possessive about the laundry and definitely have loved it when Shawn has cleaned the bathrooms, one of my least favorite jobs. I also notice typos especially when reading blogs, i sometimes can't understand how they could have made a mistake but then I read some of my own sometimes and I have to go back and fix them because it bugs me so bad.

Kara said...

Dang! I knew I shouldn't have read your blog. J/K, its been forever since I have been on anyone's blogs! uuhh... maybe I will do this one, we'll see. :o)

Kara said...

ps. I forgot to comment on your wackiness. Um, laundry? Dude, thats like my least favorite chore of all time... I wish Chris would ALWAYS do the laundry! Tell Kris if he's feeling laundry deprived, he can come down for a visit and do about 20 loads I have sitting in my laundry room.

I have to agree with your pots and pans one... totally me, I hate them, Chris usually washes them cuz I put it off and he knows it. Man I sure suck at housekeeping so far.

My mom is here and she liked the typo one... totally her, she always finds incorrect use of grammar, too... she's way too much of a perfectionist in that way.

Need for speed, huh? Me too, I'm dangerous, I think I have a low level of that pleasure hormone... can't remember what its called at the moment.