Saturday, November 1, 2008

Daylight Savings

Can I just say how much I hate daylight savings!?! It seems very pointless to me. We turn our clocks ahead in the springtime so that it can stay light until 10pm (or later) all summer long and then in the fall we have to turn them back so that it gets dark at 5pm. What the *&%#$? Can someone please explain the logic of it all to me? I seriously DO NOT understand it. I seriously hate it. The annoyance of having to change the clocks twice a year and adjusting to the new time (try getting your kids to sleep when it's perfectly bright outside). I have said all along that Arizona is the only state that gets it- why mess around with stupid daylight savings, just keep the clocks where they are at and let your body adjust to the seasons' changes normally!


Tara said...

I still do not understand daylight savings in the least. Go AZ for not following every other state!

sasmithfam said...

I agree. I have never quite understood it either. I just know that Arizona is not affected. I always have to remember what time of year it is to remember if Utah is 1 hour ahead or same time as Arizona so I don't call too late.

Kara said...

one year, I actually looked it up online and it made sense to me for a few days until I didn't care anymore and forgot all about it. Now I'm just as lost as before. I do remember it has to do with an extra hour in the morning for farmers planting crops in the spring or something. but I still think its stupid, too.