Monday, November 24, 2008


It's almost Thanksgiving, right? So I've been thinking about the things that I am truly grateful for and I thought I would share them with you-
Falling gas prices- no wait- not just falling, plummeting gas prices. What a relief! Now we can actually drive somewhere again. I'm definitely grateful for this, I just wish it could last forever!

This here is what we like to call a bun warmer or a tushy toaster (how do you spell tushy anyway?) or seat heater. I like to call it the finest invention of the modern age (well since I moved to Rexburg anyway). You'd probably have to live here to truly appreciate my gratitude for this nifty accessory. I never want to own a car without one (as long as I live here). It is divine.

This here is Rexburg's equivalent to Filibertos. And I mean that very literally- same menu (including those pictures) and everything. I have been much more content living in Rexburg since Ramires came to town, it makes life a little more bearable when you know you can get a good bean burrito or super nacho or carne asada fries...
This is BYU-I's radio station here in Rexburg. I'm just grateful to have a radio station that plays church music all the time. Not that I listen to it all the time, but it's just comforting to know that when I need a spirtual pick me up I can just flip the dial.

I'm grateful for this picture that Owen painted because every single time I look at it makes me happy. I love children's artwork. It also reminds me of nice, sunny Arizona and the fact that we get to spend Thanksgiving down there, for which I am muy grateful.

I'm grateful that my sister Michelle gets to live so close to me. It's so nice having her here. The other day I was dreadfully ill and she came up and took care of my kids (and me) for a while, she was a lifesaver!
I am extremely grateful for my husband, he is my best friend. He works so hard to provide for our family and doesn't get as much credit as he deserves. I'm grateful that he feels that it's as important for me to stay at home with our children as I do (in our mostly LDS town over 75% of moms work outside the home, so I view this as a great blessing and luxury). I'm grateful that he's such a great dad and indulges my desire for a large family (don't worry, he loves each of our children as much as I do) even though thoughts of providing for all of our children stresses him out more than I know. I'm grateful that he loves me in spite of my occasional insanity and puts up with all my neuroses, cuz that's what friends do, right?

I'm grateful for the Rexburg Temple. I took this picture from downtown to try and give everyone an idea of how prominent and beautiful the temple is here. You can literally see it from anywhere in town and for miles and miles away from some places. It is always there up on the hill, always on our minds, constantly reminding us of the important things in life. I am so grateful that we lived here while they were building it and that we got to take our whole family to the open house, to have all of our children with us in the celestial room, what a wonderful blessing. Then to be able to go with Kris and Matthew and actually be inside the temple during the dedication was a special experience, one that I know I was blessed to be able to do and one that I may never have the opportunity to do again. Most of all I'm grateful to be sealed to my family for eternity. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Tara said...

How cool that picture is of the temple, wow that is really neat. I do love Thanksgiving and I like your list. It's important for us all to stop and remember to be grateful. Although, I must tell you we have had an upgrade from Filiburto's it called Senor Taco. Man, oh man is it delicious. Still has a drive through, cheap prices, but somehow fresher seeming food and to die I over Guac! uess I'll have to put it on my list.

Kara said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this Eliza. What a great post. And a great pictures to go along with it!
The part about Kris almost made me cry! Because its great to hear how much you care for him and how wonderful your relationship is... and it reminds me of my Chris. I always think how grateful I am to him that he takes on the stresses he does for us... because he loves me, and because he loves each one of the kids! I need to tell him more often probably.
How fun that you get to come for Thanksgiving! How long will you be here? I'd love to see you, but of course I understand if you have tons of family stuff since you don't get to see them a whole lot! Weather has been kinda crazy down here... like highs in the 80's! We haven't used our heater once yet... in fact, my a/c is running right this minute! Don't ask me why, its got to be in the 60's outside right now!!
We have those butt warmers in our car, too, but hardly ever use them... I wondered why can't they make an instant butt cooler?? Can't be too complicated.
How wonderful that you were able to watch the Rexburg temple being built and got to attend the dedication! Sounds like you're really starting to consider Rexburg hom!!

Kara said...

I meant home, you know. Sorry to consistently write novels. :)

sasmithfam said...

Great post Eliza. Husbands are great and they put up with alot from us wives and it is stressful to provide for a family. I totally agree with the gas prices, nice that they are going down, I wish it would be for longer though. Beautiful picture of the temple! How fun that you are coming to Arizona for Thanksgiving.

Michelle said...

I am grateful for lots of the same things too! I read this post when we were in Arizona and I got a little teary eyed (must be the pregnancy hormones). I am grateful you live here too! I would not have come here in the first place if you didn't live here, and then I wouldn't have met Dan. Did you ever think you were the reason we met? Well I love having you so close I don't know what I would do without you.

Rachelle said...

LOVE the plummetting gas prices! Well, Logan loves it especially, since he's the one who fills the tank. It's predicted to go under a dollar by new years! I know I'm kinda late commenting on this... I just figured out how to do it. Thanks for your comments!

Grannie Wright said...

Hi Eliza, I love hearing your grateful list. I'm so glad Michelle lives there, that Kris feels the same way about you staying home, and that your kids are such great artists. I love it. Thanks for making our Thanksgiving more complete and fun. Love Mom