Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Star Wars Brigade

The other day I caught these three running through the house making those gun noises that boys are just born knowing how to make. I think they were trying to catch Darth Gracie or something...


Grannie Wright said...

Isn't it funny how boys are born knowing how to make boy noises. That doesn't even look like Colby, Rex or Owen. They look way too old. Just shows I gotta figure out a way to see them more. Sure love you and miss you.

Tara said...

Oh to have a boy! One day, maybe sooner than later...I agree with Mom they sure are looking older lately.

Michelle said...

I love the noises that they make, so funny! Yes we need to figure out a way for Mom to see them more and to see us more too! You are such a great mom and you are doing a great job raising your boys and Grace.

whitworth.crew said...

Love it!!!! They look like they are having tons of fun!! Btw I have that same laundry basket. Missing handles and everthing!!