Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Heeerrrrreeee'ssss COLBY!!!

Yesterday Colby was 8 months old, I know, it feels like I just did one of these posts. But, I promised myself that I would update on him every month and I've been doing pretty good so far. I have started to feel bad for my other kids because while I have a baby book for each of them, their babyhood has been no where near as documented as the little Colbster. It's like what parents would normally do but in reverse, you know how the first one or two kids have all the pictures...

Anyway, this was kind of a long month for the poor little guy. We started out by spending the first part of it in Arizona visiting my mom. Colby and I went to the hospital every day we were there, just him and me, to visit her. Colby was like the little super star of the floor, he was fawned over every single time we went. We would get stopped by pretty much everyone that walked by. Anyone that came into mom's room would coo and smile at him and he is such a flirt that he just ate it up. By the end of the week I started to feel bad but mom said she didn't mind all the attention he was getting. She was proud to have the cutest grandson in the world hanging out with her. It was so great to be able to be there and to watch her in her therapies and witness all the progress that she made just in that week. Not only was Colby the cutest baby in the hospital but he was also the most well behaved, he literally hardly ever cried. And whilst in the midst of all of our hospital visits he had to get an abscess removed (and I'm only documenting this for history's sake) and I won't go into gory details but let me just say it was bad, very, very bad (after they got the lab results back they informed me it was e-coli, ick!!). And I had to hold him throughout the whole thing. But again, he is such a good baby to have endured that and not to have made a very big fuss over it, all things considered.

Colby had a lot of firsts this month: his first Easter Pageant, his first hike, his first Easter, his first hair cut (dad shaved his shaggy sides) and he started crawling. He is very methodical in everything that he does. For the longest time he would just get up on his hands and knees. Then he would scoot his knees up but not move his hands. Finally, he got to where he would move his hands but he would only take a few crawls. He does crawl but he's funny because he'll crawl and roll to get where ever he's going. He also likes to push his legs up while he's in the crawl position, it kinda looks like a push-up and he just holds it for awhile.
He was sick all last week. It was a pretty crappy week for the both of us, what with no sleep and all. He had an ear infection. It was the second one in about 3 months, I hope I am not detecting a pattern. Luckily, he is doing much better now (read: sleeping through the night again, hallelujah!) And all is beginning to be right in our world again. We love the little Colby Man! I love to watch the older kids play with him and help out with him. He brings such a wonderful, happy spirit into our home!


Owen Family said...

Yep, he's adorable. Being such a good baby is a real bonus.

Michelle said...

Oh how I love little Colbster! He really is the cutest and happiest baby in the world. I didn't know he started crawling, what's up with that? I am glad he is feeling better because I was feeling so sad that he couldn't smile because he was sick.

Tara said...

He is an amazing baby, and definitley sooooo cute! I still think you should have taken a picture of the abcess, poor guy. And he is crawling? You didn't tell me that, just another reason why blogging is so great! Love you guys! See you in just over a month, let the count down begin.

Aliece said...

AAAhhh! So funny! I can't believe our little guys are 8 months already! Walter is just the opposite, scoots his hands. You are so better than me! My kids all have boxes, not books!

Kara said...

Gotta love helpful big brothers (and sisters!) Cute little Colby, happy 8 months!!