Thursday, June 12, 2008

Moody Musing

Well, it's been a really long time since I posted, (I wrote this before Rex's birthday post) I've been meaning to, I really have and I tried several times to log in and I think that the problem was that I was missing one letter on my password and it hit me like two weeks later, duh! Oh well, anyway, I really do hope to make this a regular thing but I really can't make any promises what with ALL my children home ALL day for the next few months and then a new baby coming right after the older two start back to school. Soooo, we'll just play it by ear and see if my sanity remains intact. So far not so good, I must admit. Maybe it's the weather- it snowed on Wednesday, yes that would be June 11th and I don't think it's gotten above 65 for the past few weeks. We are lookin' at some 70s here in the next few days and I'll be praying that they last but I won't keep my fingers crossed. I am seriously thinking about high tailing it out of this place (again) :-) It's pretty pathetic when you have to go to your summer swimming lessons bundled up in jackets :-( (I thought I could put those away for the summer, better not it may snow on the 4th of July) Yes, it definitely could be the weather affecting my mood. Or it just could be the fact that I'm nearly seven months along and my horomones are probably all wacky and I had sort of forgotten how hard life could be chasing after four kids all day long. How do those homeschooling mothers do it? Oh well, this is my life and it is mostly good, I have four wonderful children and a wonderful, extremely patient and thoughtful (he made dinner tonight without me even asking) husband, who puts up with my strange mood swings and loves me in spite of it all. Yes, my life is if we could just not have any more snow for the next six months...


Kara said...

oops! I neglected to read this comment before showing my envy for your weather. I actually heard that it snowed in Provo the other day so I should have know it probably did there too! I'm sorry your hormones are so wacky right now... I sure know how that is! So when are you gonna check out my blog, eh? Or make comments anyway? :) Well, I know you are crazy busy with kids at home... I'm lucky, my kids aren't out until next week! And they only have like 5 weeks of summer this year! Nice for me, not so nice for them. Have a super day!

Tara said...

Oh the joys of motherhood and pregnancy. (Can I say that even if I only have one?) Hang in there, we're complaining here of the heat. At least we're not dealing with those tornadoes...

Eliza said...

hi,mom its Gracie I like our blog soooooooooooooooooooo much!

Eliza said...

hi,mom its Gracie I like our blog soooooooooooooooooooo much!